New and more amazing ways to avoid doing what I need to do!
I joined a list serve dedicated to knitting wool soakers last night. I've already posted there 4 times!
I stayed up until 1am trying to finish a soaker and I'm getting ready to start another one.
I have 5 knitting projects in various stages of completion that I've been working on for the past 8 months or so. I also have several crochet projects that haven't been touched in a few years.
Tuesday night I spent a nice hour in Starbucks sketching designs for baby carriers and accessories. I would love to have the time and resources to make 2-3 dressmaker's dummies and 3-4 infant dummies so I could fully test out my designs. I spent at least 30 minutes trying to figure out how to make the joints on the infant dumies and where to add weight to make them realistic while laying in bed last night.
Michael has finally "discovered" my yarn caddy in the livingroom - I'm looking at a good half an hour's work there.
I spent 45 minutes reading knitting links when there is laundry to be done.
Ah well...housework calls.