When it rains, it pours...
Too fried to even think right now, so here's a cut 'n paste from my message board...
Woke to the smoke alarm going off in my house this morning. Didn't smell smoke but the two back rooms were hotter than hell and full of condensation. After a visit from the fire department to make sure all really was well, we found out that our furnace is shot - the humidifier has been leaking for lord knows how long and finally gave up this morning - they told us the bottom of the unit is completed rusted out. So now we have no heat, and no water (they couldn't find the shut-off for the humidifier so ended up turning off the water for the whole house). Thankfully, my sister picked up me and the kids and took me to my mom's while my husband is hanging out at the house waiting for our landlord and the heating guy.
Michael still has this fever to pops up pretty high about once every 12 hours and I have full-on malaise that is being kept at bay with Emergen-C and ibuprofen because I need my wits about me. Knock on wood that Alex is symptom-free, just a bit of congestion.