Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Getting this life in order.

Sesame Street is playing way too pivotal a role in raising my child these days and I need to do something about it. In an effort to help me be the mom I want to be and to control my ever creeping depression, John and I are going to work out a schedule for me and the boy tonight. I've done this several times over the past few months and have followed it well for a few days and then returned to my slacker ways. We are going to start very small and only concentrate on Michael and cooking at the outset. Once we have that in place, we're slowly going to start introducing more housework so John's not doing everything.

Ever the procrastinator, here are my resolutions for the new year:

  • Quit smoking (currently slated for Sunday, so beware because it will definitely be a "look of death" kind of weekend and following week).

  • Take better care of myself - i.e. take meds when I have pain, sleep, and go to the doctor when I need to. This also includes asking for help from people who repeatedly tell me to call them if I need anything.

  • Be a better mom (see above).

  • Be a better wife

  • Cut wheat and sugar out of my diet and start taking a good multivitamin daily.

  • Stop comitting crimes against grammer and spelling ;)

The boy finally got his MMR shot today and I'm still a bit freaked out. I've always scoffed a bit about the stories you hear, "my baby was fine until he had his MMR shot," but when it's your own child you can't help but worry. The ped was pushing the flu vaccine as well, but my insurance only covers the one with thimerisol in it and with Michael's developmental problems there is no way I'm injecting mercury into his system. On a side note - he's GIGANTIC, 31lbs and 34" tall. I find myself telling people at the outset that he's "only" 18 (now 19) months old. John tried to put one of his 24 month body suits on last night and couldn't snap the crotch, these are the same ones that were a little too big for him 3 months ago.

Enough nonsequitors for today, back to knitting!