Wednesday, February 01, 2006


In my never ending quest to avoid doing laundry, I crunched some HTML and updated my links. Things have been a bit hectic of late (and that is a huge understatement). Here's what's on the agenda...

  • Soakers

    I have two soakers done that I have to take pics of - one was made using this yarn (the super cool red/orange) and the other was done using the self-striping yarn, dyed the hard way. I am planning on reworking my pattern yet again, so once I am able to make some quality time for Excel, I'll get it done. With a bit of luck I'll have the pics up by the weekend.

  • The bufalo yarn scarf

    This has not been worked on in earnest for at least a week, ever since Michael pulled my needle out (my fault for leaving it in reach, which is ever expanding, God help us). I tried to put it right, but doing that with dark brown yarn by the light of a 10 watt bulb is not easy.

  • Yarn

    I bought a whole bunch of Pattons Merino yarn over the weekend and I can't believe how soft it is. I also bought several new colors of Wilton Paste Food Coloring and 5 quart-sized mason jars. The plan is to dye some of it in the same colors as the self-striping yarn I made earlier for one of my girlfriends, and to do up two skeins in the new colors to make Michael a pair of longies (once I write the pattern). When this will get done, only Glod* will know.

  • Knitting Needles

    I finally got some time to get to work on these. I have 3 pair ready to be painted and 3 ready for the finishing sanding. My hope is to get them done and ready for Ebay by next weekend. This also involves my writing/hacking HTML for a blog and the Ebay listing so that could slow things up a bit as well. I really wish our laptop was decent so I could put Dreamweaver on it and do the work while I'm hanging out at Starbucks, enjoying some "Me" time, but since our laptop still has ME on it (which SUCKS big-time) and is in need of more RAM, I'll have to make do with doing the prep work on the PC and writing the code with a browser window and Wordpad (very tedious if you've ever done it).

We had a much better day yesterday. One of those days where you get hit so hard with how beautiful and miraculous your child truly is and how blessed you are to have him that it almost hurts. I've regained a measure of baby-zen, now I just have to conquor wife-zen and hausfrau-zen.

* A Pratchett reference