Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Definitely a lazy day

We haven't done much today other than play with cars (Michael) and surf the internet (Mom). Frankly, after the flurry of activity yesterday, I think we both needed the down-time. I let Michael have almost free-reign in the kitchen while I was in the living room and for whatever reason this involved putting some four in the dishwasher with an ice-cream scoop. This evening, I'm going to give him a basin with a *little* bit of water in it an let him scrub the floor while I finish cleaning in there.

Next on the agenda is a nap. Then we'll walk down to the store for orange juice and chicken breasts. Maybe that's what I'll make for dinner tonight - orange flavored chicken.

Tomorrow while he's in school I'm going to finish up my package for my due-date club swap and turn his old, stained and holey crib sheets into cleaning rags - I'm going to cut the jersey into 11" squares and zig-zag two of them together. They would have really come in handy yesterday. Paper towels have a place (albeit still much smaller that I would like to believe), but I'd like to be able to grab a rag to wipe up a mess. Now I'll have some nice ones to use. Now I just have to make sure they actually get back down to the kitchen after being washed - so many of my kitchen towels take up permanent residence in our computer room where the drying racks are because they just never make the trip back downstairs.

I have to help Michael with a truck issue and then we'll go to bed for real.