Thursday, September 20, 2007

Just popping in

I've had the most awful head-cold the past few days - Tuesday I could barely move, Noggin raised Michael for me. Yesterday and today haven't been too bad except for the sweats, runny nose and sneezing fits. S gave me the CD of pictures from Saturday and as soon as I make some time, I'll get them posted. Last but not least, Michael actually rode the school bus this morning. John got him up and on the bus so I could sleep in to a heavenly 7:40. Why didn't I format pics during all of this free time this morning you might ask. Because I spent it instead eating a lovely breakfast with a chai that I didn't have to share with anyone else. I also spent the rest of the time watching a truly horrible movie ("The Davinci Code") while knitting. I do have to admit that I like Ian McKellan, but then again I don't think there is anything I've seen him in that I haven't liked* - I also like to think that he knows how awful the film is and we are sharing that little secret between us.

Knitting progresses. I have half a sleeve to go on one of the EZ February sweaters and I finished my first pair of teeny baby socks yesterday. Today I'm knitting for my February DDC swap partner and making plans for gifts/favors for my Mother Blessing. Oh, and the transition from crib to bed is going great. We've had a couple of tough bed times, but all in all it's going very well. He even told me this afternoon when he was ready for his nap, which is so cool.

Tuesday night I felt the Bean move from the outside - he must have been turning over but it was very cool none the less.

I'm off to resume knitting and then to take a nap myself. TTFN!

*The only exception is "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy and that has more to do with the liberties the screenwriter took with Tolkien's work than his performance.