Saturday, November 12, 2005

Never underestimate the woman in the housecoat...

It's been a movie weekend!

Last night I scored some major points for not only wanting to watch Batman Begins but knowing who Ra's Al Ghul and Dr. Jonathan Crane are thanks to all of the episodes of Batman, The Animated Series I've watched (and yes, I've probably seen all of them, and all of the Justice League cartoons as well). Batman is a superhero I can really get behind, unlike that alien Boy Scout and goody-two-shoes, Superman (who happens to be John's favorite). You should see us go at each other, it's kind of scary that two adults can become so passionate about fictional cartoon/comic book characters, besides everyone knows that Batman is better and there really is no contest (damn aliens and their super powers).

Tonight we watched Kung Fu Hustle. I didn't think a movie could be stranger that Shaolin Soccer but I was wrong. John enjoyed it more than I did, being more into the slapstick elements and fight scenes than I am. I really liked Shaolin Soccer - it was like watching a Baliwood musical with Kung Fu. If you ever get the chance, I strongly recommend watching at least one Baliwood Musical - it's great fun and incredibly addictive - you have to keep watching just to find out what happens next. The best parts are the English phrases/nonsequitors that are peppered throughout the film and the seemingly random dance/song sequences.

I have to say that I've become a bit of a purist when it comes to dubs - I much prefer to watch the movie with the original soundtrack and the English subtitles turned on. Because Michael is sick and we were trying to keep an ear out for him, John played the dubbed version of Kung Fu Hustle and had the English subtitles - it got a bit annoying seeing the difference between the direct translation and the dubbed rewrite. If you haven't done this yet with an Asian film - I highly recommend it - Princess Mononoke is so much better without having to listen to Claire Dane's flat rendering of San.

Did you know the same man who plays Brother Justin in Carnivale also does the voice of Lex Luthor in the Justice League cartoons and the voice of Mr. Crabs in Spongebob Squarepants? During the last stint of new Justice League cartoons, every time Lex appeared on screen, I'd sing, "Who Lives in a Pineapple under the sea?" softly.

Oh, the life of a geek...(and Batman is definitely better)