Sunday, November 20, 2005

Tungsten. I need tungsten to Liiive...

We made the trek out to Ikea this morning for storage jars and a super-cheap breakfast. The weather was absolutely perfect - sunny, a very light breeze, and just cold enough that you need a sweater. Michael rode the bus for the first time without being strapped to my body. He sat on one of the seats with John and had a great time touching everything and banging his hands on the window. He wasn't too keen on walking in the direction we wanted him to across the parking lot, but settled happily for riding on Dad's shoulders. He ate canteloupe off of a fork by himself which was way cool and had a ball climbing on the display tables in the Children's department while we tried to not buy him everything there. He also interracted with a few of the other children, and not just to take something out of their hands so he could play with it.

We were in the check out line and he was starting to get fractious, but of course stopped so he could flirt with the woman behind us. He does this all of the time - whine, whine, whine, struggle, struggle, chuck whatever I'm holding, stange woman smiles at me - what was I upset about... oh, she's not looking at me anymore - whine...

Well, I'm off to put things in jars...